In Case You Were Wondering, Daniel Radcliffe Says He Never Jerked Off While He Was On The Set Of Harry Potter

Inquisitir- Daniel Radcliffe has admitted that it took all of his strength and will power not to masturbate on the set of the Harry Potter films. The 26-year-old actor made this admission during a very candid interview that he conducted with Playboy magazine, via the Mirror, who asked the actor whether he was a normal “teenage boy” and if he ever masturbated on set. This led Daniel Radcliffe to explain, “I was like every other teenager in that sense. My favorite line about masturbation is Louis C.K.’s, something like, ‘I found out about it when I was 11, and I didn’t skip a day. I think I started very early – before my teens.” That comment would suggest that Daniel Radcliffe was constantly pleasuring himself on the set of Harry Potter. However, the actor then made sure to make it clear that was far from the case, as he insisted, “But not when I was on set.” Radcliffe then joked, “I wasn’t going, ‘When is Alan Rickman [Professor Snape] going to nail this scene so I can run back to my trailer?’” Radcliffe then decided to reference another Louis CK quote, which he insisted was a constant deterrent for why he didn’t masturbate while working as the world’s most famous wizard. “There’s another feeling, again perfectly described by Louis C.K.: that fear just after you’ve jerked off that everyone knows what you did,” he declared. “It would have been embarrassing to walk back on set and look the dignitaries of British acting royalty in the eye, knowing what I’d been doing.”



Well there’s the answer to the question nobody was asking except some weirdo reporter. “Hey you know that beloved fictional wizard who everybody loved growing up? Well did you ever wonder if the actor who played him in the movies ever jerked off on set?” Pretty weird interview question but it is Playboy I suppose. They gotta grab headlines somehow now that they’re no longer pumping out nudes. Might as well ask Daniel Radcliffe if he was busting off knuckle children in between takes with Ron and Hermione.


Anyway. We’re getting some mixed signals on whether or not Radcliffe jerked off on set or not


Here’s what he says first


The 26-year-old actor made this admission during a very candid interview that he conducted with Playboy magazine, via the Mirror, who asked the actor whether he was a normal “teenage boy” and if he ever masturbated on set. This led Daniel Radcliffe to explain, “I was like every other teenager in that sense. My favorite line about masturbation is Louis C.K.’s, something like, ‘I found out about it when I was 11, and I didn’t skip a day.


Okay, so that means he did jerk off on set if he truly didn’t skip a day, right? But then he says this


The actor then made sure to make it clear that was far from the case, as he insisted, “But not when I was on set.” Radcliffe then joked, “I wasn’t going, ‘When is Alan Rickman [Professor Snape] going to nail this scene so I can run back to my trailer?’” 


Wait what?  Very confusing. I’m gonna go ahead and guarantee he was jerking off every single day in his trailer on set. More than likely he was doing it multiple times a day.  A kid doesn’t simply start jerking off and then stop for long stretches because he’s on set filming a movie.  That’s not how it works, people. Ask any guy.  Radcliffe was right the first time. The instant you discover masturbation you’re doing it every day. For life. You don’t skip a day. It’s like the mob. Once you’re in, you’re in forever. The only time you stop is when you’re dead. It’s not even a matter of wanting to masturbate. Maybe it is at first but that wears off pretty quickly. Eventually it just becomes part of your daily life. So sorry if this ruins your image of Harry Potter but that kid was undoubtedly cracking wand between each and every take.




(Rudd saying, “Dude I’ve jacked it twice since I’ve been here” is one of the great lines in movie history)



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